Shems Bendali – Trumpet, percs | Théo Duboule – Guitar | Andrew Audiger – keyboards, Bass keyboard | Nathan Vandenbulcke – Drums
the BIG TUSKLINE UP :Shems Bendali – Trumpet, percsThéo Duboule – GuitarAndrew Audiger – keyboards, Bass keyboardNathan Vandenbulcke – DrumsBIO :Longthe BIG TUSK is a Franco-Swiss musical collective that stands out with a unique artistic direction,challenging conventions and blurring the boundaries between improvised and electronic music.Since 2017, the quartet has dedicated itself to improvising live the hypnotic and intoxicating atmosphere ofan electro music performance, enriched with explosive spontaneity and a passion for sonic experimentation.In the proud tradition of groups like Knower or Cabaret Contemporain, the BIG TUSK draws on diverseinfluences (Aphex Twin, Mr Oizo, Kurt Cobain) to forge its own identity that completely transcends genreboundaries.
The Tuskist ideology roots itself in the absence of a hierarchical organization, placing cooperation at the coreof its operation. The group’s mythology is inspired by vivid cinematic universes, such as the enigmatic andmorbid “Tusk,” where a man dreams of finding the walrus residing in every human being…According to their devoted fanatics, what truly sets the BIG TUSK apart is the exceptional harmony thatcharacterizes the relationship among group members. This synergy gives the listener the privilegedsensation of observing a mythological creature metamorphosing through various universes. Each concertthus becomes a unique experience, an emotional journey that transcends conventional musical paths.